
Android / IOS Application
Client - Kingfisher
Status - Online

Services Offered

Application Development
API Development
Custom CMS Development
A 22feet venture funded by Kingfisher, the Pitchers app was the answer to the nightlife problem we all face - "What's the scene for tonight?". A location-based application was devised with the strategic insight to promote Kingfisher-partnered outlets on a platform that allowed its users to plan their nightlife and discover events around them. What started off as just an native app on iOS and Android has now moved on to have a PWA as well, with Pitchers now a part of the brand’s overall digital strategy.
The application was built using REST APIs that could be scaled across website and apps, and a single CMS that allowed us to auto-update over 500 deals and events on a weekly basis. The app integrated third-party platforms to manage segmentation, analytics and push notifications, all coming together to form a product that helped build brand preference and became a one-stop solution for nightlife planning.